Exercise Physiologist Salary, Job Description and Schools information with clear details on the Clinical Exercise Physiologist salary which is between $47,000 to $50,000 a year, this is the average in the United States.  Understanding the Exercise Physiologist job description will help future professionals choose the right path and school where they can be educated.

What is an Exercise Physiologist?

This is an person who studies human body’s physiology during physical activities, especially exercise and any physical exertion. They check the body’s response rate, metabolism, how they respond to different movement and stimuli. They work closely with patient recovering from injuries, accidents and old age.

According to ASEP it is The comprehensive delivery of treatment services concerned with the analysis, improvement, and maintenance of the physiological mechanisms underlying physical and mental health and fitness through regular exercise, the rehabilitation of heart disease and other chronic diseases and/or disabilities with exercise medicine, and the professional guidance of athletes and others interested in athletics and sports training.

They are commonly found in the Military hospitals, wellness centers, gyms, research centers, and athletes clinic. An exercise physiologist must be physically and mentally fit for the job, it requires long hours of monitoring, standing, demonstrating and observation. The job is quite strenuous.

Exercise Physiologist salary

The average salary of an Exercise Physiologist salary which is between $47,000 to $50,000 a year, at an average of  $19.05/hr to $35.00/hr in most states of the United States of America. However the pay may vary due to geographical location, level of education and experience, and the type of employer.

Exercise Physiologists salary – Location

Exercise Physiologists who are in New York and California earn more than most states in the US.

Exercise Physiologist Salary

 Exercise Physiologists Job Description

The  Exercise Physiologist Job Description explains the activities of an Exercise Physiologist, aside from the fact that they need to be physically and mentally fit, the need to have a good social skills, investigative mind and to be optimistic.

Tasks carried out by an exercise physiologist can include:

  • fitness testing of athletes and team members so that an exact physiological profile of the person can be obtained;
  • developing specific fitness training programs and monitoring adherence to them;
  • providing regular monitoring and reassessment of an athlete’s training plan;
  • liaising with coaching staff to maximize the effects of training;
  • educating and advising athletes and coaches on areas such as heart rate monitoring, recovery techniques, hydration strategies, over-training, acclimatisation and periodisation (the breaking down of a training program into a cycle of sub-programs);
  • providing benchmark physiological information to enable long-term athletic development;
  • working in collaboration with other sport and exercise professionals such as physiotherapists, dietitians, strength and conditioning coaches and sport psychologists;
  • using specialist resources and equipment such as aqua pacers, osmometers and electronic timing systems;
  • producing reports and longitudinal studies;
  • keeping up to date with ongoing research;
  • raising awareness of health and fitness issues and promoting the benefits of sport and exercise;
  • attending local, regional and national meetings, seminars and conferences;
  • teaching on academic courses.

Exercise Physiologist Schools and Training.

Exercise physiologist are not medical doctors, they receive a normal four-year bachelor degree training program in Exercise physiology. You would have to pass your exams which in the United States has a two-part exam, other countries have multi-part exams or exams that are only written. Once you complete your first degree program, you can advance your studies by going for professional exams and other graduate training program to specialize. This will boost your employability and demand in the market.

American Society of Exercise Physiologists is a required membership for those wanting to work in this field. A good understanding of the human body, knowledge and the use of computers, software and equipment’s, good maths skills is required to stand out in the profession.

The Job Market for Exercise Physiologist

The availability of jobs for the Exercise Physiologists is growing while the Exercise Physiologist Salary is also on the increase lately.

A Patmos Edu Publication

Posted by Patmos Zen

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